Report Card Day is an important opportunity for teachers and parents to discuss a child's progress in class. Together, we are partners in students' success! We are looking forward to meeting with you. Our online sign-up pages are open now. Reminder: There is no school for students on Report Card Day. |
K-6th GradeFor appointments with teachers in grades PreK-6, please visit 6th grade: Please sign up with your child's homeroom teacher. During that time, you will meet with both Ms. Ditto and Ms. Wiktor. If your child has an IEP, be sure to schedule an appointment with the special educator as well. | Grades 7-8Parents of 7th and 8th graders received a written notice indicating whether teacher(s) have requested to meet. If no teacher has requested a meeting, you are not required to schedule a time with any teacher. However, you are welcome to use the online sign-up at to schedule an appointment with teacher(s) you wish to speak with regarding your child's progress. If you are not scheduling any teacher meetings, you do not need to use the online sign-up, but you do still need to come to Burley for report card pick-up. You may come to Burley to pick up your child's report card any time between 11:00-6:00 on report card day. |